Unlocking Freedom: Embracing a Life of Purpose and Meaning 

Imagine a moment when your hard work and financial choices have brought you to a crossroads of opportunity. The point at which your wealth has grown to a level where traditional work is no longer a necessity. You've reached a juncture where you have the power to step away from the daily grind and choose how you want to spend your time. 

Let's explore the fascinating story of an individual who reached this inflection point decades ago. This person, despite holding billions in assets, maintained an unparalleled work ethic. Meet Michael Bloomberg, a visionary entrepreneur who not only led one of the most successful companies in history but also played a pivotal role in rebuilding New York City after the tragic attack of 9/11. His commitment to philanthropy, public health, education, and sustainable energy illustrates how he invested his resources, energy, and time in causes he deeply cared about. I had the honor of assisting him in managing his wealth for several years, witnessing firsthand his dedication to meaningful endeavors. 

For most, the path to financial independence is a distant dream. But for those who do achieve it, a unique set of challenges arises—challenges that can lead to a soul-searching journey. As you stand on the precipice of financial freedom, profound questions come to light: 

  • How do I want to invest or spend my time? 

  • How do I want to invest or spend my wealth? 

  • And how do my time and my wealth relate to each other? 

The word "invest" takes center stage, acting as a guiding principle that reshapes our perspective. Consider this: when you spend money on a dinner with loved ones or friends, you're not just consuming food but investing in deepening your relationships. Refurbishing your home isn't just an expense—it's an investment in creating a better living environment. Purchasing shares in a company is an investment with the intention to create more assets in the future. Investing money in your education is an investment in your skills.  

Spending money on an NFT of a picture of a Bored Ape… Okay, that one isn’t an investment. But you learn a valuable lesson about fads, crazes, and the difference between investing and speculating. 

Time is equally precious. The hours spent sweating at the gym and the money invested in memberships and coaching are investments in your long-term health. 

This shift from a "spending" mindset to an "investing" mindset is a powerful mental model that holds significance well before financial independence. By weaving this philosophy into your life, you can transcend the existential crisis that often accompanies newfound freedom. Instead, you'll already be living a purpose-driven life, passionately investing in relationships, skills, assets, and causes you hold dear. Your journey toward financial independence becomes a seamless transition rooted in fulfillment and the potential for extraordinary impact. 


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Aseem V. Garg, CFA - Chief Investment Officer

Aseem V. Garg, CFA is the founder and Chief Investment Officer of Ahara Advisors.


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