Singularly Focused On Your Family’s Goals

Investment Philosophy

Maximize Optionality

We focus on helping you cultivate assets with unlimited upside and limited downside. We believe that positive cash flow creates more optionality. You have maximum optionality when you are accumulating cash and increasing assets that generate cash.

Compound Wealth

We believe that investing in great companies is the most effective and easiest way to generate wealth. We are seeking great businesses to purchase, at reasonable prices, for the long term.

Eliminate Fragility

We strive to structure portfolios to be robust to the downside. We avoid strategies that pick up pennies in front of steamrollers (selling options).  We encourage clients to use debt judiciously and intelligently.

Minimize Headwinds

Taxes and fees are headwinds to wealth creation that should be considered and minimized.

Our Ethos

We seek to be aligned, transparent, humble and analytical in the work we do on behalf of clients.

We co-invest alongside your family at the same terms.

  • We’ve eliminated our incentives to steer your money to a particular investment or product.

  • We provide transparency to the portfolio of Ahara’s Chief Investment Officer (CIO).

  • We strive to make your family resilient to financial market disorder, and to potentially benefit from it.

  • We aim to “stack the deck” in our client’s favor.